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A Witch Among Monsters

Rina’s friends have always been of the dead sort, and she doesn’t expect that to change when she enrolls in a new school.
Rina spends many night hours in the graveyard with zombies and ghosts, so meeting a boy in the graveyard one night is very odd. Even more unusual for her, a very cute boy in school decides he wants to be her friend…maybe a little more? There is something odd about her new friends though.
And on the full moon, their unnatural natures are revealed to each other…… and Rina’s life will never be the same.

I like teen novels. They tend to have more 'adult' content than I remember them having several years aog, but I enjoy them. I wanted to write about a teen, an outcast, something I can relate to. I wanted a story where the monsters were a little more classic (at least in apperance) and I wanted several of them. So I got a witch, ghosts, zombies, a vampire, and a werewolf. How perfect! They were a treat to work with.

The simple innocence in Rina is something else I enjoyed. As a girl who'd never really had friends, crushing on a boy was a very new thing, and made her increddibly shy at times. I enjoyed the simplisity of this aspect.

Hers is the first in a series, as each of the main characters will have their own stories to tell.

This is the third cover image for this book (kind of like the title). I really liked the old picture, a girl standing between two graveyard gates, but my husband and I thought if would be better to take our own picture. 

This is actually me in the picture, in an old nearly forgotten graveyard in my area. (And Pete's Burgers was actually a resturarnt were my mother worked in the same town.)

© 2013 LeVonne Stansberry

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